behavior_name=yo # Written by SFMC on UTC: 2022-08-23T16:21:28.131717 # b_arg: start_when(enum) 2 # pitch idle (see doco below) b_arg: num_half_cycles_to_do(nodim) 6 # Number of dive/climbs to perform # arguments for dive_to b_arg: d_target_depth(m) 1000.0 b_arg: d_use_pitch(enum) 3 # 1:battpos 2:setonce 3:servo # in rad rad, <0 dive b_arg: d_pitch_value(X) -0.4538 # -26.0 deg b_arg: d_use_bpump(enum) 0 # Autoballast/Speed control b_arg: d_bpump_value(X) 300.0 # Speed control total ballast b_arg: d_speed_min(m/s) 0.06 # Minimum vertical depth rate for dive # arguments for climb_to b_arg: c_target_depth(m) 5.0 b_arg: c_target_altitude(m) -1 b_arg: c_use_pitch(enum) 3 # 1:battpos 2:setonce 3:servo # in rad rad, >0 climb b_arg: c_pitch_value(X) 0.4538 # 26.0 deg b_arg: c_use_bpump(enum) 0 # Autoballast/Speed control b_arg: c_speed_min(m/s) -0.06 # Minimum vertical depth rate for climb b_arg: end_action(enum) 2 # 0-quit, 2 resume