
C-PROOF Glider Data

Data Description

Raw data from the gliders is available for most deployments. We further provide CF-compliant NetCDF files as either:

  • Timeseries: high-resolution data aligned with the clock on the CTD sensor.
  • Gridded: 1-m vertical grid, with one column per up or down profile.

The data is available at different levels of processing:

  • Realtime: Subset of data transmitted via Iridium while the glider is in mission, with automated processing steps and QA/QC applied.
  • Delayed: Full dataset collected by the glider and recovered post-mission, with all processing steps and QA/QC applied.
  • Corrected: Some data has corrections applied to the CTD data and/or the oxygen data to correct for thermal lag and sensor drifts.

Data access:

By individual deployment:

See Deployments to view and download data and figures for individual glider missions.

Gridded data via THREDDS:

Data binned in depth and time are available via our THREDDS server. The THREDDS server allows partial downloading of data sets using the ODAP protocol. Using python xarray something like ds=xr.open_dataset('') should give data access without having to download and store the dataset locally. You can do a similar thing in Matlab and in R or any other library that supports OPeNDAP.

Direct download using wget.

To download all the mission data, type the command

wget -N --directory-prefix=outdir \

To download all the data by glider line or by platform, replace mission_all.txt with one of the following:

ERDAP server:

Our data is available on the IOOS ERDAP server, available by searching C-PROOF. (It is apparently somewhere on the Coriolis server as well, but not easy to find).

How to Cite

When publishing C-PROOF ocean glider data, please use the following acknowledgement: ‘The data were collected and made available by the Canadian-Pacific Robotic Ocean Observing Facility (C-PROOF), and are accessible at, DOI: [available soon].’ If you are using C-PROOF data, please contact Dr. Jody Klymak ( to provide a citation for your publication.