On June 30th 2022, C-PROOF launched our new glider dfo-maria997
(Maria) near Tofino. Big thanks to the crew of the CCGS Cape Ann for deploying the glider. This is Maria’s first real mission, and she is flying along a DFO hydrographic sampline line called the LC Line in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, heading west. This mission is our first test of Maria’s extended rechargeable lithium battery packs, and will help us understand how far our new rechargeable gliders can fly between charges.
Maria will be travelling at least 100 km offshore before heading back towards Vancouver Island, and she’ll repeat this back-and-forth across the continental shelf while we track her progress. This is an interesting area to collect data, with a lot going on beneath the waves, and C-PROOF would like to establish a permanent sampling line in this area in the future.
Follow along and see the plots of the data on the live C-PROOF mission webpage here.